Certificate of Competency for Construction and Installation of Electric Power Distribution Medium Voltage Cable Lines and Extra High, High, Medium, Low Voltage Air Lines
Certificate of competence for the Construction and Installation of Substations, Extra High Substations, and Switchgear
Certificate of Competency in Maintenance of Electrical Power Distribution Control Cables, Remote Terminal Units (RTU), Computer Systems and Peripherals, SCADA Data Transmission Systems
Certificate of Competency in Development and Installation of Controls and Instruments in Micro-hydro Power Plants, Diesel Power Plants, Hydro Power Plants, New and Renewable Energy Power Plants
Certificate of Competency of Occupational Safety and Health Specialist in the Field of Electrical and Electrical Technicians
Business Entity Certificate issued by PT. AK LIMA in the distribution of Medium Voltage Networks and Low Voltage Networks, Transmissions and Substations
Calibration certificate issued by PT. KALIMAN